Why so much importance to 'extinction of tiger' alone? Why not crows? I think they, along with many other species like sparrows, are also on the verge of extinction.
Over million years on this earth, thousands of species have gone extinct. 'Survival of the fittest' is the name of the game. If earth can survive some more million years, even humans may go extinct. If so, why so much fuss about extinction of tiger alone. Save tigers and 1399.5 of them left and so on?
We are making a drama out of this without looking inwards the overall behavioral changes needed. All this hyperbole of 'save tiger' is being enacted by shameless publicity mongers trying to advertise themselves to become celebrities. Let us not give attention to just one species(We anyway have many pictures of them already). So many have become extinct so far and many others will. Let us stop acting 'humane' towards tigers because we need to learn to be humane towards fellow humans first.